HK Primary Schools team muster

HK Primary Schools team muster

HK Primary Schools team muster 2048 1495 HKRFU

HK Primary School is calling for nominations for the 2018 Team. As it is the 125th year for HKRFU, the tournament this year is in Ōtaki, from 1st-5th October.


First muster is 6:30-8pm at the Ōtaki Domain on Wednesday 12th Sept. and then will be 2 trainings per week along with a game in the weekend.


We already have a “trial game” in Paihiatua on Sunday 16th at 11:30am, so we will anticipate at being in Paihiatua about 10:30am.


Please forward the following details to Slade Sturmey, by email:


  1. Name, 2. Playing position, 3. School player attends, 4. school year (6, 7 or 8), 5. Parent name, 6. Contact cell & 7. Email contact.